Fred Loses His Meds!

26 Januari 2010


This song was not in Kris Allen's new album. but trust me, after listening to this song, you will know the meaning of a struggle. I love this song. This is make me stronger than before. :)

Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment last forever if you feel you've lost your way
What if your chances are already gone
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away

Cause here I am still holding on

Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe it's harder to believe

You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricane
To get to that one thing

When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can

You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule cause there's nothing between you
And your dreams

Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe it's harder to believe


There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

With every step you climb another mountain
With every breathe it's harder to believe
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can

There are no boundaries.
There are no boundaries.
There are no boundaries.

24 Januari 2010

Puisi 1: Hujan

Matahari menarik kembali cahayanya
Menyiapkan diri untuk pergi
Langit tak menampakkan cerahnya
Hanya awan yang menyelimuti

Setitik air keluar dari pelupuk mata
Setetes air jatuh mengenai tangan
Lalu semuanya menggelap
Saat itulah hujan pun turun

Apakah dunia juga merasakan ini
Semua rasa kehilangan dan kehampaan
Apakah langit juga merasa gundah
Dan menumpahkan segalanya ke bumi

Ketika hati dipenuhi kesedihan
Ku hanya mampu menatap awan
Ketika derai air mata berjatuhan
Ku akan berdiri di tengah hujan

Namun ku tahu dunia tak selalu begini
Langit yang cerah itu telah kembali
Pada akhirnya aku menyadari
Hidup belum berhenti sampai di sini